Special Announcement
It is important and noteworthy to the field of Psychology and Clinical Behavior Analysis that IJBCT 3.3 includes an independent replication study of Mode Deactivation Therapy (MDT). This study elevated MDT to meet the definition and criteria of "Well-Established" treatment with "Best Support" as defined by the American Psychological Association, Division 12 Task Force on the Promotion and Dissemination of Psychological Procedures.
MDT, first researched by Jack Apsche, has recently been replicated as an intervention for adolescents suffering from conduct disorder. Conduct Disorder is often a lifelong condition serving as the forerunner for adult antisocial personality disorders. Few treatments have shown effectiveness. MDT joins multisystemic therapy and behavioral parent training as an effective intervention, meeting APA's criteria for well established, which is two well controlled studies by two independent research labs (Chamberless et. al. 1995). Much of the research on MDT has been published in the BAO journals. We are proud to have published much of this landmark research here in the BAO journals.
All of us at BAO want to congratulate Jack Apsche on his dedication and tireless work with difficult adolescents and the continued future development of MDT.
Joe Cautilli, Ph.D.
Publisher BAO Journals