Behavior Analysis Equipment and Software

Operant Chambers
We manufacture electronic operant systems to specification. In stock are manually operated chambers for instructional applications.

Med Associates
Operant test chambers and accessories for rats, mice and primates.

Clinical Solutions
Company offers a computerized graphing service which supports the graphing conventions of applied behavior analysis.

Celeration Technologies
A company dedicated to developing solutions to problems of teaching/training and learning. Their fluency-building software is for use in precision-teaching applications. Has a demo.

University Programs and Courses in Applied Behavior Analysis

Applied Behavior Analysis for Special Education
The Penn State ABA Certificate program is designed to be offered in a synchronous, cohort-based format. Lessons are provided on videotape to make the program convenient and accessible to all members of a cohort, but students are registered in groups

Program in Behavioral Analysis - Western Michigan University
See descriptions of the BA, MA and PhD in behavior analysis, meet the faculty or view admissions details.

Dept. of Behavior Analysis - Univ. of North Texas
Gather facts about the graduate and undergraduate programs at this university or check out their behavior analysis Internet classes.

James Madison University                                                                              Sherry L. Serdikoff, Interim Director, Psychological Sciences Program

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - Jonathan Kanter, Assistant Professor-published in BAT

University of Maryland, Baltimore County - David Richman, Ph.D., Associate Professor

List of ABA Accredited Programs

University of North Texas, M.S. Program in Behavior Analysis from the Department of Behavior Analysis (1993-1997, 1998-2003)

California State University, Los Angeles, M.A. Program of the Department of Psychology (1994-1999, 2000-2005)

Ohio State University, M.A. and Ph.D. in Applied Behavior Analysis from the Department of Education Services and Research (1995-2000, 2002-2007)

Western Michigan University, M.A. Program in Behavior Analysis, Ph.D. Programs in Applied Behavior Analysis and in Experimental Analysis of Behavior from the Department of Psychology (1998-2003)

St. Cloud State University, M.S. Program in Behavior Analysis from the Department of Applied Psychology (1999-2004)

University of Nevada Reno, PhD. and two M.S. programs in Behavior Analysis from the Psychology Department (2000-2004)

Southern Illinois University, M.S. Behavior Analysis and Therapy (2001-2005)

California State University, Stanislaus, M.S. Program of the Department of Psychology (2002-2007)

Queens College and Graduate Center of CUNY, Ph.D Learning Processes Doctoral Subprogram (2002-2007)

University of Kansas; Ph.D. in Behavior Analysis from the Department of HDFL (2002-2007)

Behavior Analysis Links of Interest

Association for Behavior Analysis

Behavior Therapist Online -  A site for cognitive-behavioral professionals worldwide

Center for Behavioral Epidemiology and Community Health - Research resources

Verbal Behavior Special Interest Group

B.F. Skinner Foundation

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior

WRIGHTSLAW - Up to date information about special education law and advocacy for children with disabilities. - Subscribe to their newsletter and receive valuable info & resources

Behavior - Find a Behavior Analysis, Education, or Human Services event, conference or training near you - Web site of The International Behaviorology Institute, Ltd., (TIBI)

Miscellaneous Links


The AERA SIG Communication of Research - ejournals in education

Autism Support Daily - Free listserve for parents, families, and friends of autistics

Canadian: Centre for Psychology at Athabasca University - Psych Journal Resources

Dr. Mac's Behavior Advisor - Online Resource for teachers with misbehaving students

Geometry Online Learning Center - Journal Resources/limks - search engine

Hanover College - Listings of online psych and behavior journals

Organizational Behavior Management Network - Behavioral resources

Outpatient Involuntary Commitment - Read about it here! GWU report, 7/11/2000

Polish Association For Behavior Analysis - University of Gdansk - European Behavior Resources

Precision Teaching and Standard Celeration Charting - Owner Rick Kubina has been published in BAT

Psychology. Org - Encyclopedia of Psychology Resources

The Schiefelbusch Institute for Life Span Studies - Research resources

Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (SEAB) - Journal Resources

Swami Center - The basis of fundamental psychology, the methodology of spiritual development


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