Journal of Organizational Behavior Management

The official journal of the OBM Network, a Special Interest Group of 
the Association for Behavior Analysis

Rated third highest Impact Factor among applied psychology journals by ISI!

An invaluable resource focusing on the improvement of employee performance!

Improve the quality of life of your employees in the workplace with this indispensable journal!

     Here is the only professional journal devoted to behavior management in organizations. This innovative journal (The Official Journal of the OBM Network) serves as a tool for improving productivity and the quality of working life. Top researchers provide proven methods—backed by facts, not opinions—to show you the best practical ways to apply behavior management in the workplace.

     The Journal of Organizational Behavior Management—the official journal of the OBM Network—belongs on the desk of every personnel, industrial, or managerial professional who truly believes that there are scientific principles to improve employee performance and wants to bring these principles out of the lab and into the workplace! The journal publishes research and review articles, case studies, discussions, and book reviews on the topics that are critical to today's organization development practitioners and human resource managers. Beyond the general principles of organizational systems and structure, Journal of Organizational Behavior Management focuses on specific concerns such as:
• employee safety
• employee training
• stress, health, and employee productivity
• evaluation of employee satisfaction and feedback systems
• managing absenteeism, tardiness, and turnover
• use of monetary and nonmonetary incentives
• self-management procedures
• programmed instruction, behavioral modeling, and computer-aided instruction
• positive and negative side effects of OBM interventions

     The Journal of Organizational Behavior Management occasionally produces thematic issues that concentrate on a single, highly relevant topic. Past thematic issues have focused on organizational culture and rule-governed behavior; pay for performance; OBM and statistical process control; computers, people, and productivity; and improving staff effectiveness. Use this valuable resource to improve the productivity, safety, and profitability of your organization.

To learn more, obtain a free sample or subscribe to the journal, visit the Haworth Press website. 

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Binghampton, NY 13904-1580 USA