ISSN: 1555 - 7855


      Authors who wish to be considered for publication in IJBCT must submit a signed assignment of rights form with their article. To print a PDF file version of the form, click here.

    The International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy (IJBCT) is wholly owned by Joseph Cautilli.  IJBCT contributions are by invitation of the lead editor or the associate editors only. All submissions are peer-reviewed.  After acceptance, all articles are copyedited. 

     Peer Review: All submitted manuscripts are reviewed initially by an IJBCT editor. Manuscripts with insufficient priority for publication are rejected promptly. Other manuscripts are sent to expert consultants for peer review.  Information from submitted manuscripts may be systematically collected and analyzed as part of research to improve the quality of the editorial or peer review process. Identifying information will remain confidential. 

     Manuscripts:  Rejected manuscripts will be returned to authors when specifically requested in the cover letter. Print copies of original illustrations, photographs, and slides will be returned with the manuscript. In all cases, manuscripts should be submitted electronically saved in "rich text format"(.rtf) to Joseph Cautilli, Ph.D., BCBA. 


    Accepted manuscripts are copy edited according to APA format and returned to the author for approval. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work, including changes made by the copy editor and authorized by the corresponding author. Please adhere to APA format and use "Times New Roman" font in 11 pt., single spaced throughout. In references, however, please italicize the places where APA format would have you underline. 

Additional requirements:

     To be published in any of the BAO journals, we have additional requirements that authors must adhere to.  Our requirements supercede any requirements that conflict with APA requirements.

    1) All articles must have abstracts - See rules for abstracts below.

    2) Key word descriptors must be placed after the abstract. 

    3) No author inserted pagination or headers and footers. 

    4) All pages should be created in the portrait format - Do not create documents with mixed landscape and portrait formats. 

    5) Each article should be in one document - Creating documents in "sections" creates serious problems when attempting to apply pagination. 

    6) Graphics, figures, tables, etc., must be in jpg or bmp format.  Graphics, figures, tables, etc., may be embedded in the text body of the article by the author.  No Excel graphs will be accepted.  If graphical materials are submitted as separate Word documents, they should be in portrait format and should be full page, or one half page or less only.  Graphical materials larger than one page cause serious layout problems.  If graphical materials are not inserted into the text portion of the article by the author, indicators must be placed in the text body so we know where the graphical materials belong.

    7) Ensure that the references are properly indented and italicized. 

    8) Ensure that full author contact information is included at the end of the article for each author - Indexing services require this. 

    9) Full author contact information for each author must be included in the article.

A Word about Abstracts 

    In order to ensure that IJBCT will be accepted in the major psych databases, there are certain guidelines that must be followed for abstracts relating to our article and the Journal. The following guidelines are straight from the PsycINFO website: 

General Guidelines for Writing Effective Abstracts 

     For use in PsycINFO and other databases, an abstract should not exceed 960 characters and spaces (approximately 120 words). 

Characters may be conserved by: 

    • using digits for numbers (except at the beginning of sentences) 
    • using well-known abbreviations 
    • using the active voice 

     Begin with the most important information, but don't waste space by repeating the title. Include in the abstract only the four or five most important concepts, findings, or implications.

     Embed as many key words and phrases in the abstract as possible; this will enhance the user's ability to find the citation for your article in a computer search.  Include in the abstract only information that appears in the body of the paper. 


     Remember that not all people who read your abstract will have a high level of psychological knowledge. Define all acronyms and abbreviations, except those for measurements. 

    • Spell out names of tests 
    • Use generic names for drugs (when possible) 
    • Define unique terms 

     Use the present tense to describe results with continuing applicability or conclusions drawn and the past tense to describe variables manipulated or tests applied.  As much as possible, use the third person, rather than the first person. 

Abstracts for Empirical Studies: 

     Abstracts of an empirical study are generally about 100––120 words. Include the following information: 

    •    problem under investigation (in one sentence) 
    •    pertinent characteristics of subjects (number, type, age, sex, and genus and species) 
    •    experimental method, including apparatus, data-gathering procedures, complete test 
    •    names, and complete generic names and the dosage and routes of administration of any drugs (particularly if the drugs are novel or important to the study) 
    •    findings, including statistical significance levels 
    •    conclusions and implications or applications 

Abstracts for Review/Theoretical Articles 

     Abstracts for review or theoretical articles are generally about 75––100 words. Include the following information: 
    •   the topic in one sentence 
    •   purpose, thesis, or organizing construct and the scope  (comprehensive or selective) of the article 
    •   sources used (e.g., personal observation, published literature) 
    •   conclusions 

Thank you! 
The Behavior Analyst Online Journals Department