(Founding Editor)
- North Spring Behavioral Healthcare, Leesburg, VA
Senior Associate Editor
(Founding Editor)
- Children's Crisis Treatment Center - Philadelphia, PA
Picture Unavailable
- University of Washington - USA
Senior Associate Editor
Picture Unavailable
- University of Nevada, Reno
Action Editor
Christopher K. Bass, Ph.D. - Clark Atlanta University - USA
Visit the Clark Atlanta University page
Visit the May Institute web site.
Editorial Board
- Western Michigan University -USA
- University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
- East Strausburg University - USA
- New York State Psychiatric Institute Division - CPMC - USA
Governors State University
- Cornell University -USA
- University of Wales, Swansea - United Kingdom
- Boys Town, USA
- Lehigh University -USA
University of Washington
- University of Texas - USA
- The New England Center for Children - USA
- West Virginia University - USA
- President – ABPP - Department of Psychology, Drexel University
- Professor of Psychology - Associate Professor of Medicine - Drexel University
- Indiana University Southwest - USA
- University of Wales Swansea, United Kingdom
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County - USA
- Penn State University - USA
- Wichata University - USA
- Department of Psychology, Queens College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York
- Regent University
- Mississippi State University - USA
- Florida Institute of Technology - USA
- Witchita University - USA
- President/CEO Behavioral Tech, LLC
- University of Mississippi
Layout and Final Editor
- Mississippi Behavior Clinic, NBTS, LLC.
BAO Journals Staff
- Managing Editor
- Director of Advertising