A Context for Science with a Commitment for Behavior Change
ISSN: 1539-4352
Volume Index
Below, you will find a chronological index of past volumes of the BAT Journal. To read a particular issue, click on the button next to the description! This page is searchable. Just use the "find in page" feature of your browser and you can search by key phrase, author, or words in a title. |
Volume VIII
Vol. 8, Issue No. 4
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 8, No. 4, 2007
Page 380: Effects of Treatment on Disruptive Behaviors: A Quantitative Synthesis of Single-Subject Researches Using the PEM Approach - Chiu-Wen Chen & Hsen-Hsing Ma Page 398: Behavior Analysis in the Space Age - Joseph V. Brady Page 413: Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Aggression in Persons with Dementia: A Review of the Literature - Jeffrey A. Buchanan, Angela M. Christenson, Carly Ostrom, & Nicole Hofman Page 426: Behavior Analytic Grounding of Sociological Social Constructionism - John E. Glass Page 434: Challenges of Case-Based Teaching - Mark P. Mostert Page 443: The Development and Maintenance of Personality Disorders: A Behavioral Perspective - Rosemery O. Nelson-Gray, John T. Mitchell, Nathan A. Kimbrel, & Ruth M. Hurst Page 483: Generalization of Mands in Children with Autism from Adults to Peers - Melanie Pellecchia & Philip N. Hineline Page 492: Moving Forward: Positive Behavior Support and Applied Behavior Analysis - Matt Tincani Page 500: Towards a Behavioral Analysis of Humor: Derived Transfer of Self-Reported Humor Ratings - Simon Dymond & Duncan Ferguson Page 512: Reinforcers Following Greater Effort are Preferred: A Within-Trial Contrast Effect - Thomas R. Zentall Page 528: Establishing a Safe and Effective Shift Schedule - Harper L. Phillips & Peggy M. Houghton Page 536: Obituary - Washoe – Child of the CWU Community Dies - Adapted from official press release -BAO Staff Writer |
Vol. 8, Issue No. 3
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 8, No. 3, 2007
Page 256 : Editorial: Behavior Analysis In Criminal Justice - Joe Cautilli & Mike Weinberg , Co- Lead Editors Page 260: An Experimental Analysis of Two Error Correction Procedures Used to Improve the Textual Behavior of a Student with Autism - Michael A. Fabrizio & Sara Pahl Page 273: Clinical data illustrating the need for greater involvement of behaviourally-oriented psychologists in the design and delivery of rehabilitation services - Gregory C. Murphy & Neville J. King, Page 284: Functional Analysis and Treatment of Socially Stigmatizing Ambulation - Melanie J. Pitman Page 298: Individual and Group Contingencies in Cooperative Learning at the Collegiate Level -- Erin Carroll & Robert Williams Page 307: The Acquisition of a Conceptual Repertoire: An Analysis in Terms of Substitution of Functions -- Diana Delgado & Linda J. Hayes Page 317: Keller’s Personalized System of Instruction: Was it a Fleeting Fancy or is there a Revival on the Horizon? -- Heidi L. Eyre Page 325: A theoretical analysis of potential extinction properties of behavior-specific manual restraint - Ennio Cipani, Melvin Thomas & Daniel Martin Page 336: Fifty Years Later: Comments on the Further Development of a Science of Verbal Behavior - Sam Leigland Page 347: Effects of Problem Order on Accuracy, Preference, and Choice of Multiplication assignments - Kathryn E. Jaspers, Christopher H. Skinner, Robert L. Williams & Lee B. Saecker Page 360: Book Review - The Verbal Behavior Approach: How to Teach Children with Autism and Related Disorders by Mary Barbera and Tracy Rasmussen - Nina C. Wilde, Valerie A. Evans, & Saul Axelrod Page 363: Family Mode Deactivation Therapy as a Manualized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatment - Jack A. Apsche, Christopher K. Bass & Marsha-Ann Houston Page 379: CE Questions for McDevitt Article on The surprising influence of delayed primary reinforcement on choice, which appeared in in BAT 8.1 – Questions written by Michele Katz |
Vol. 8, Issue No. 2
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 8, No. 2, 2007
Editorial on Being Beholden to other Professions Joseph Cautilli, Ph.D., and Michael Weinberg, Ph.D. Can it be it was all so simple then? A Reply to Von Hilsheimer and Quirk (2006); Joseph Cautilli, St. Joseph’s University Evaluating Features of Behavioral Treatments in the Nonhuman Animal Laboratory John C. Borrero, University of the Pacific, Timothy R. Vollmer, Andrew L. Samaha, and Kimberly N. Sloman, University of Florida and Monica T. Francisco, University of the Pacific In Search of Program Implementation: 792 Replications of the Teaching-Family Model Dean L. Fixsen, FYI Consulting, Karen A. Blasé, Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter, Gary D. Timbers, BIABH Study Center, and Montrose M. Wolf, University of Kansas Behavior Analysis in the Space Age Joseph V. Brady, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Within-Session Changes in the Preratio Pause on Fixed-Ratio Schedules of Reinforcement Adam Derenne and Kathryn A. Flannery University of North Dakota Within-Session Changes in the Preratio Pause on Fixed-Ratio Schedules of Reinforcement Adam Derenne and Kathryn A. Flannery University of North Dakota The Aggregation of Single-Case Results using Hierarchical Linear Models Wim Van den Noortgate and Patrick Onghena Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (Effect) Size Matters: And So Does the Calculation Melissa L. Olive & Jessica H. Franco The University of Texas at Austin Functional Analysis and Treatment of Socially Stigmatizing Ambulation Melanie J. Pitman Northeastern University Extending Research on the Validity of Brief Reading Comprehension Rate and Level Measures to College Course Success Robert L. Williams, Christopher H. Skinner, and Kathryn E. Jaspers The University of Tennessee Weighing the Evidence for Psychotherapy Equivalence: Implications for Research and Practice Robin Westmacott John Hunsley University of Ottawa A Behavior Analytic Look at Contemporary Issues in the Assessment of Child Sexual Abuse W. Joseph Wyatt Marshall University Moving Forward: Positive Behavior Support and Applied Behavior Analysis Matt Tincani University of Nevada, Las Vegas |
Vol. 8, Issue No. 1
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 8, No. 1, 2007
Pg. 1: Editorial: To license or not to license? That is the question: Or, if we make a profession, will they come? - Joseph Cautilli and Michael Weinberg Pg. 9: Comparing Comprehension Following Silent and Aloud Reading across Elementary and Secondary Students: Implication for Curriculum-Based Measurement - Andrea D. Hale, Christopher H. Skinner, Jacqueline Williams, Renee Hawkins, Christine E. Neddenriep and Jessica Dizer Pg. 24: Is it Working?: An Overview of Curriculum Based Measurement and its Uses for Assessing Instructional, Intervention, or Program Effectiveness - Dale Lynn Cusumano Pg. 35: The Effect of Changing Grading Criteria on Student Writing - Darlene E. Crone-Todd, Heidi L. Eyre, Scott A. Hutchens, J. Reid Jones, and Joseph J. Pear Pg. 43: Assessing The Functions Of Aggression In Psychiatric Inpatients - Michael Daffern Pg. 52: How Has Applied Behavior Analysis and Behavior Therapy Changed?: An Historical Analysis of Journals - William O’Donohue and Mitch Fryling Pg. 63: Using Response Latency within a Preference Assessment - Stephanie K. Meador, K. Mark Derby, T. F. McLaughlin, Anjali Barretto and Kim Weber Pg. 70: Programmed Instruction for Teaching Java: Consideration of Learn Unit Frequency and Rule-Test Performance - Henry H. Emurian Pg. 89: The Surprising Influence of Delayed Primary Reinforcement on Choice - Margaret A. McDevitt Pg. 96: In Search of Program Implementation: 792 Replications of the Teaching-Family Model - Dean L. Fixsen, Karen A. Blasé , Gary D. Timbers and Montrose M. Wolf |
Volume VII
Vol. 7, Issue No. 4
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 7, No. 4, 2006
Joseph D. Cautilli, Associate Editor and Michael Weinberg, Lead Editor (2006): Editorial: Behaviorally Oriented Therapies, Corrections, and Public Policy - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(4), Page 442 Marshall Lev Dermer (2006): Towards Understanding The Meaning Of Affectionate Verbal Behavior; Towards Creating Romantic Loving - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(4), Page 452 Elizabeth Kudadjie-Gyamfi (2006): The Impact of Imposed Patterning, Intrinsic Motivation, and Cognition on Random and Simple Outcomes in Choice Behavior - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(4), Page 481 George von Hilsheimer and (the late) D.A. Quirk (2006): Origin of EEG Biofeedback for Remediating Misbehavior - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(4), Page 492 C. Richard Spates, Ph.D., Sherry Pagoto, and Alyssa Kalata (2006): A Qualitative And Quantitative Review of Behavioral Activation Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(4), Page 508 Jeffrey A. Buchanan (2006): A Review Of Behavioral Treatments For Persons With Dementia - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(2), Page 522 Joseph D. Cautilli and Halina Dziewolska (2006): Brief Report: The Use of Opportunity to Respond and Practice to increase efficiency of the stepping reflex in a five-month-old infant - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(4), Page 538 Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho (2006): On the Distinction Between Private Events and the Physiology of the Organism - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(4), Page 548 Karen M. Lionello-Denolf and Sheila M. Mihalick (2006): An Automated Olfactory Discrimination Procedure With Rats - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(4), Page 560 Yu-Jing Gao and Hsen-Hsing Ma (2006): Effectiveness of Interventions Influencing Academic Behaviors: A Quantitative Synthesis of Single-Subject Researches using the PEM Approach - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(4), 572 |
Vol. 7, Issue No. 3
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 7, No. 3, August, 2006
Mark R. Dixon, Kimberly M. Zlomke and Ruth Anne Rehfeldt (2006) : Restoring Americans’ Nonequivalent Frames of Terror: An Application of Relational Frame Theory - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(3), Page 275 Edmund Fantino and Paul Romanowich (2006): Context as a Variable Influencing Risky Choice: A Review - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(3), Page 290 Paul Holmes, Sandra Georgescu and Wendy Liles; (2005): Further Delineating the Applicability of Acceptance and Change to Private Responses: The Example of Dialectical Behavior Therapy - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(3), Page 301 Christian U. Krägeloh (2006): Pragmatism and a-ontologicalism in a science of behavior- Ontology, schmontology: Pragmatism and a-ontologicalism in a science of behavior - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(3) Page 325 William O'Donohue and Kyle E. Ferguson (2006): Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology and Behavior Analysis - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(3) Page 335 A Preliminary Investigation - Joseph Cautilli, T. Chris Tillman, Saul Axelrod and Phil Hineline (2006): Brief Report: An Experimental Analogue of Consultee “Resistance” Effects on the Consultant’s Therapeutic Behavior - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(3) Page351 Glenn M. Callaghan (2006): The Functional Idiographic Assessment Template (FIAT) System - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(3) Page 357 Glenn M. Callaghan (2006) Functional Assessment of Skills for Interpersonal Therapists: The FASIT System - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(3) Page 399 Katherine Porter, Carole Porcari, Ellen I. Koc, Courtney Fons and C. Richard Spates (2006): In vivo Exposure Treatment For Agoraphobia - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(3) Page 434 |
Vol. 7, Issue No. 2
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 7, No. 2, May, 2006
Gary A. Bernfeld, Karen A. Blase and Dean L. Fixsen (2006): Towards a Unified Perspective on Human Service Delivery Systems: Application of the Teaching-Family Model - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(2), Page 168 CE Questions: The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(2), Page 186 Gary A. Bernfeld (2006): The Struggle For Treatment Integrity in a "Dis-integrated" Service Delivery System - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(2), Page 188 CE Questions: The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(2), Page 205 Michael P. Twohig and Edward M. Varra (2006): Treatment of Drug-Induced Stereotypy - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(2), Page 206 Derek R. Hopko , Sarah M. C. Robertson and C. W. Lejuez (2006):Behavioral Activation for Anxiety Disorders - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(2), Page 212 CE Questions: The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(2), Page 233 Toby L. Martin, C.T. Yu, Garry L. Martin and Daniela Fazzio (2006):On Choice, Preference, and Preference For Choice - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(2), Page 234 Kelly Kates-McElrath and Saul Axelrod (2006): Behavioral Intervention for Autism: A Distinction Between Two Behavior Analytic Approaches -The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(2), Page 242 Steven H. Sanders (2006): Behavioral Conceptualization and Treatment for Chronic Pain (2006) - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(2), Page 253 Thomas R. Zentall (2006): Functional Equivalence In Pigeons - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(2), Page 262 |
Vol. 7, Issue No. 1
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 7, No. 1, March, 2006
Rafael Ferro García, Luis Valero Aguayo, M. Carmen Vives Montero (2006): Application of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy: Clinical Analysis Of A Patient With Depressive Disorder - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(1), Page 1 Kieron O'Connor, Ph.D. (2006): Behavioral Activity and Tic Disorder - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(1), Page 19 Understanding Addiction as a Pathology of Temporal Horizon - Warren K. Bickel, Benjamin P. Kowa, and Kirstin M. Gatchalian (2005): The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(1), Page 32 Heidi L. Hillman (2006): Functional Analysis and Food Refusal: A Brief Review - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(1), Page 48 Peter Gerhardstein, Kimberly Kraebel, and James Tse (2006): Using Operant Techniques With Humans Infants - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(1), Page 56 Afsoon Eftekhari, Lisa R. Stines and Lori A. Zoellner (2005): Do You Need To Talk About It? Prolonged Exposure for the Treatment of Chronic PTSD - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(1), Page 70 Ntinas, K. M., Neila, A., Nikolaidou, E., Papadimitriou, S., Papadopoulou, I., Fasoulas, A., Hatzikonstantinidis, C. (2006): Inclusion and Challenging Behaviors: Greek General Educators’ Perspectives - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(1), Page 84 Mary Jane Weiss and Lara Delmolino (2006): The Relationship Between Early Learning Rates and Treatment Outcome For Children With Autism Receiving Intensive Home-Based Applied Behavior Analysis - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(1), Page 96 Halina Dziewolska and Joe Cautilli (2006): The Effects of a Motor Training Package on Minimally Assisted Standing Behavior in a Three- Month-Old Infant - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(1), Page 111 Carolyn Rovee-Collier & Kimberly Cuevas (2006): Contextual Control of Infant Retention - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(1), Page 121 Edward J. Daly III, Melissa Andersen, Valerie Gortmaker and April Turner (2006): Using Experimental Analysis to Identify Reading Fluency Interventions: Connecting the Dots - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(1), Page 133 Jenifer M. Cullen, C. Richard Spates, Sherry Pagoto and Neal Doran (2006): Behavioral Activation Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder: A Pilot Investigation - The Behavior Analyst Today, 7.(1), Page 151 |
Volume VI
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 6, No. 4, December, 2005
Abigail B. Calkin (2005): Precision Teaching: The Standard Celeration Charts – The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(4), Page 207 Angeles F. Estavez (2005): The Differential Outcomes Effect: A Useful Tool To Improve Discriminative Learning In Humans – The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(4), Page 216 Mucio A. Romero and N. Javier Vila (2005): Instructions Inadequate To the Task Control Response Recovery After Discrimination Reversal In Human Beings - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(4), Page 221 Joseph D. Cautilli and Halina Dziewolska (2005) A Brief Report: Can Contingent Imitation Reinforce Truck Lifting In A Three-Month-Old Infant? - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(4), Page 229 Laura D. Nations (2005): Compliance With Daily Living Routines: A Case Study - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(4), Page 231 Patrick Grehan and Daniel J. Moran (2005): Constructing Single-Subject Reversal Design Graphs Using Microsoft Word tm: A Comprehensive Tutorial - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(4), Page 235 G.J.P. Savelsbergh (2005) Discovery Of Motor Development: A Tribute To Esther Thelen - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(4), Page 243 Mary Jane Weiss (2005): Comprehensive ABA Programs: Integrating And Evaluating The Implementation Of Varied Instructional Approaches - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(4), Page 249 |
Vol. 6, Issue No. 3
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 6, No. 3, October, 2005
Clive D. L. Wynne (2005): The Emperor’s New Anthropomorphism – The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(3), Page 151 Karen E. Gould (2005): Treating Challenging Behaviors: The Impact of Methodological and Conceptual Advances in Applied Behavior Analysis – The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(3), Page 155 Joe Cautilli and Halina Dziewolska (2005): Brief Report: The Reinforcing Effects Of Paternal Verbal Stimulation and Gentle Pushing On Kicking Behavior in a 35 Week Old In-Utero Fetus – The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(3), Page 160 Joe Cautilli and Halina Dziewolska (2005): Brief Report: The Reinforcing Effects of Paternal Verbal Stimulation and Gentle Pushing on Kicking Behavior in a 36 Week Old Inutero Fetus: A Partial Replication and a Cautionary Note – The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(3), Page 163 Lappalainen and Tuomisto (2005): Functional Analysis of Anorexia Nervosa: Applications to Clinical Practice – The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(3), Page 166 Orlando Behavior Health, LLC. (2005): Continuing Education Questions for BCBAs and BCABAs – The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(3), Page 176 Lyle K. Grant (2005): Story Analysis and the Literary Method – The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(3), Page 178 Rita S. Wolpert (2005): A Multicultural Feminist Analysis of Walden Two – The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(3), Page 186 JoAnne Dahl and ToBias Lundgren (2005) Behavior Analysis of Epilepsy: Conditioning Mechanisms, Behavior Technology and the Contribution of Act – The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(3), Page 191 |
Vol. 6, Issue No. 2
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 6, No. 2, June, 2005
James E. Carr and Kelise K. Stewart (2005): Citation Performance of Behaviorally Oriented Journals - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(2), Page 83 Fred Kemp, Ph.D. (2005): Alternatives: A Review of Non-Pharmacologic Approaches to Increasing the Cooperation of Patients with Special Needs to Inherently Unpleasant Dental Procedures - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(2), Page 88 Arnold S. Chamove (2005): Spider Phobic Therapy Toy - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(2), Page 109 Thomas Kim and Saul Axelrod (2005): Direct Instruction: An Educators’ Guide and a Plea for Action - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(2), Page 111 Bryan Roche, Shirley Coyle , Tomás Ward, Charles Markham and Gary Mcdarby (2005): Near-Infrared Spectrometry For The Measurement Of Central Nervous System Activation: A Brief Demonstration Of An Emerging Behavioral Assessment Tool - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(2), Page 121 Michael Weinberg, Ph.D., BCBA, William Marsh, M.S., BCBA, and Andrew Houvouras, M.A., BCBA (2005): Towards a Molecular Analysis of Function - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(2), Page 128 Joseph Cautilli, T. Chris Riley-Tillman, Saul Axelrod and Philip Hineline (2005): The Role of Verbal Conditioning in Third Generation Behavior Therapy - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(2), Page 138 |
Vol. 6, Issue No. 1
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 6, No. 1, March, 2005
Carolyn S. Ryan and Nancy S. Hemmes (2005): Post-training Discrete-Trial Teaching Performance by Instructors of Young Children with Autism in Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(1), Page 1. Charles Hedbring (2005): Autochthonous Change: Self-Renewal Through Open Software Design - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(1), Page 13. Elaine M. Heiby, Carrie L. Lukens, and Maxwell R. Frank (2005): The Health Compliance Model-II - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(1), Page 27. Per Holth (2005) Two Definitions of Punishment - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(1), Page 43. Leasha M. Barry and Dana L. Haraway (2005): Self-Management and ADHD: A Literature Review - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(1), Page 48. Jonathan W. Kanter, Joseph D. Cautilli, Andrew M. Busch, and David E. Baruch (2005): Toward a Comprehensive Functional Analysis of Depressive Behavior: Five Environmental Factors and a Possible Sixth and Seventh - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(1), Page 65. Joseph Troisi and Michael Weinberg (2005): In Memoriam: A Tribute to Philip J. Bersh - The Behavior Analyst Today, 6.(1), Page 82. |
Vol. 5, Issue No. 4
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 5, No. 4, December, 2004
Michael Weinberg, Ph.D., BCBA (2004): Editorial - Creation of an Applied Behavior Analysis Council for Accreditation (ABACA) - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.(4), Page 333
Rick Dale (2004): Cognitive and Behavioral Approaches to Language Acquisition: Conceptual and Empirical Intersections - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.(4), Page 336
Jack A. Apsche, Christopher K. Bass, and Christopher J. Murphy (2004): An Empirical Comparison of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Mode Deactivation Therapy (MDT) with Adolescent Males with Conduct Disorder and/or Personality Traits and Sexually Reactive Behaviors - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.(4), Page 359
Heidi L. Hillman and L. Keith Miller (2004): Designing Multiple Baseline Graphs Using Microsoft Excel™ - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.(4), Page 372
Adam D. Weaver and T. Steuart Watson (2004): An Idiographic Investigation of the Effects of Ability - and Effort-Based Praise On Math Performance and Persistence - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.(4), Page 381
Jane Ellen Smith, Jaime L. Milford, and Robert J. Meyers (2004): CRA and CRAFT: Behavioral Approaches to Treating Substance-Abusing Individuals - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.(4), Page 391
Pete Peterson (2004): Naturalistic Language Teaching Procedures for Children at Risk for Language Delays - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.(4), Page 404:
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 5, No. 3, September, 2004
Elizabeth Halper & Paul Neuman (2004) - The Effects of Cocaine on Pigeons' Choices Between Fixed-Ratio and Geometrically Escalating Schedules: A Preliminary Study - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.(3), Page 218
Daniel B. Shabani, James E. Carr, Anna Ingeborg Petursdottir, Barbara E. Esch, and Jill N. Gillett (2004) -Scholarly Productivity in Behavior Analysis: The Most Prolific Authors and Institutions from 1992 to 2001 - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.(3), Page 235
Sébastien Bosch and Michael D. Hixson (2004) - The Final Piece to a Complete Science of Behavior: Behavior Development and Behavioral Cusps - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.(3), Page 244
Jonathan W. Kanter, Glenn M. Callaghan, Sara J. Landes, Andrew M. Busch, and Keri R. Brown Behavior (2004) - Analytic Conceptualization and Treatment of Depression: Traditional Models and Recent Advances - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.(3), Page 255
Christopher A. Kearney, Amie Lemos, and Jenna Silverman (2004) - The Functional Assessment of School Refusal Behavior - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.(3), Page 275
Linda J. Hayes and Jennifer L. Thomas (2004) On the Practical Value System Building for Behavior Science - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.(3), Page 284
Hedda Meadan and James W. Halle (2004) - Communication Repair and Response Classes - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.(3), Page 291
James K. Luiselli, et al. (2004) - Practice of an Alternative Behavior as Intervention for object Stereotypy: Comparison of Contingent and Noncontingent Implementation Across Evoking Stimuli - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.(3), Page: 304
Apsche, J.A. and Ward Bailey, S.R. (2004) Mode Deactivation Therapy: A Theoretical Case Analysis (Part III) - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.(3), Page: 314
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 5, No. 2, July, 2004
Bruce P. Ryan, Ph.D. (2004) Contingency Management and Stuttering in Children, The Behavior Analyst Today, 5 (2), Pg. 144
Luc Vandenberghe and Cristiane Basso (2004) Informal Construction of Contingencies in Family-Based Interventions For Oppositional Defiant Behavior, The Behavior Analyst Today, 5 (2), Pg. 151
François Tonneau, Ph.D. (2004) Verbal Understanding and Pavlovian Processes, The Behavior Analyst Today, 5 (2), Pg. 158
Dale M. Brethower, Ph.D. (2004) Understanding Behavior of Organizations To Improve Behavior in Organizations, The Behavior Analyst Today, 5 (2), Pg. 170
Hayne W. Reese (2004) Private Speech and Other Forms of Self-Communication, The Behavior Analyst Today, 5 (2), Pg. 182
James E. Mazur (2004) Risky Choice: Selecting Between Certain and Uncertain Outcomes, The Behavior Analyst Today, 5 (2), Pg. 190
Joseph D. Cautilli and Donald A. Hantula (2004) Defining The Verbal Specialist: An Adaptive-Evolutionary View of Deception and Counter-Control, (re-publication). The Behavior Analyst Today, 5 (2), Pg. 204
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 5, No. 1, April, 2004
Fan-Yu Lin and Richard M. Kubina Jr. (2004) Learning Channels and Verbal Behavior, The Behavior Analyst Today, 5 (1), Pg.1
Yvonne Barnes-Holmes, Louise McHugh, & Dermot Barnes-Holmes (2004) Perspective-Taking and Theory of Mind: A Relational Frame Account, The Behavior Analyst Today, 5 (1), Pg.15
Stein K. Lund (2004) Selection-Based Imitation: A Tool Skill in the Development of Receptive Language in Children With Autism, The Behavior Analyst Today, 5 (1), Pg. 26
Keith J. Topping & Brian Flynn (2004) Treating Seriously Emotionally Disturbed Adolescents: The Views and Working Practice of School Psychologists, The Behavior Analyst Today, 5 (1), Pg. 39
Michael C. Clayton & Linda Hayes (2004) Using Performance Feedback to Increase the Billable Hours of Social Workers: A Multiple Baseline Evaluation, The Behavior Analyst Today, 5 (1), Pg. 91
Jack A. Apsche, Maria M. Evile, & Christopher Murphy (2004) An Empirically Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Male Juvenile Sex Offenders - A Pilot Study, The Behavior Analyst Today, 5 (1), Pg. 101
Roy A. Moxley (2004) Pragmatic Selectionism: The Philosophy of Behavior Analysis, The Behavior Analyst Today, 5 (1), Pg. 108, Reprint.
J. Cautilli (2004) Toward A Behavioral Theory of Creativity, The Behavior Analyst Today, 5 (1), Pg. 126
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 4, No. 4, December, 2003
Lillian V. Pelios & Amy Sucharzewski (2003): Teaching Receptive Language To Children with Autism: A Selective Overview - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (4), Pg. 378.
Peter F. Gerhardt, Mary Jane Weiss, and Lara Delmolino (2003): Treatment of Severe Aggression In An Adolescent With Autism: Non-contingent Reinforcement and Functional Communication Training - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (4), Pg. 386
Apsche, J.A. & Ward Bailey, S.R. (2003): Mode Deactivation Therapy: A Theoretical Case Analysis (Part II) - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (4), Pg. 395
James Snyder, Mike Stoolmiller, Gerald R. Patterson, Lynn Schrepferman, Jessica Oeser, Kassy Johnson, and Dana Soetaert (2003): The Application of Response Allocation Matching to Understanding Risk Mechanisms in Development: The Case of Young Children’s Deviant Talk and Play, and Risk for Early-Onset Antisocial Behavior - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (4), Pg. 435
Daniel J. Moran, Ph.D. & William S. Verplanck, Ph.D. (2003): The Associate Technique: Assessing Intraverbal Repertoires in the Classroom - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (4), Pg. 346
Adam D. Weaver, T. Steuart Watson, Craig Cashwell, Julie Hinds Susan Fascio (2003): The Effects Of Ability and Effort-Based Praise On Task Persistence and Task Performance - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (4), Pg. 361
Luc Vandenberghe, Cristina Lemes Barbosa Ferro, & Ana Carla Furtado da Cruz (2003): FAP-Enhanced Group Therapy for Chronic Pain - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (4), Pg. 369
Nathan Stemmer (2003) Has Chomsky’s Argument Been Refuted? - A Reply To Skinner, Cautilli, and Hantula: The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (4), Pg. 376
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 4, No. 3, October, 2003
Smita Shukla-Mehta & Richard Albin (2003): From Hypotheses to Interventions: Applied Challenges of Intervening with Escalating Sequences of Problem Behavior - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (3), Pg. 271.
Roy Moxley (2003): Pragmatic Selectionism: The Philosophy of Behavior Analysis - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (3), Pg. 289.
Per Holth (2003): Psychological Behaviorism: A Path to the Grand Reunification of Psychology and Behavior Analysis? - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (3), Pg. 306.
Elizabeth S. Feldman & Thomas R. Kratochwill (2003): Problem Solving Consultation in Schools: Past, Present, and Future Directions - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (3), Pg. 318.
William O’Donohue (2003):Psychological Skills Training: Issues and Controversies - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (3), Pg. 331.
Apsche, J.A. & Ward Bailey, S. (2003): Mode Deactivation Therapy: A Theoretical Case Analysis (Part I) - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (3), Pg. 342.
Sonia M. Goltz (2003): Considering Political Behavior in Organizations - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (3), Pg. 354.
Blythe A. Corbett (2003): Video Modeling: A Window into the World of Autism - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (3), Pg. 367.
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 4, No. 2, July, 2003
Romanczyk, et al. (2003): An Overview of Imitation Skills in Autism: Implications for Practice - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (2), Pg. 114
Hall (2003): The Learning Station - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (2), Pg. 124
Weaver (2003): Effects of Praise - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (2), Pg. 127
DiDomenico (2003): Elapsation of Time Stimulus - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (2), Pg. 134
O’Daly & Fantino (2003): Delay Reduction Theory - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (2), Pg. 141
Hemingway (2003): Do No Harm - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (2), Pg. 151
Lamal (2003): Higher Education - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (2), Pg. 154
Kerwin (2003): Pediatric Feeding Problems - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (2), Pg. 162
Zlomke (2003): Token Economies - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (2), Pg. 177
Taylor & Alber (2003): Classwide Peer Tutoring - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (2), Pg. 183
Rea (2003): Covert Sensitization - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (2), Pg. 192
Swindell (2003): Behavioral Contrast - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (2), Pg. 202
Chesnut (2003): Use of Visual Cues - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (2), Pg. 212
Cautilli, et al. (2003): Behavioral Science as the Art of the 21st Century - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (2), Pg. 225
Eshleman (2003): Book Review - A Chronology of Noteworthy Events in American Psychology - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (2), Pg. 265
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 4, No. 1, April, 2003
Akins: (2003) Behavior Systems Approach: A Better Explanation for Sexual Conditioning Studies - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (1), 3
Ruiz: (2003) Inconspicuous Sources of Behavioral Control: The Case of Gendered Practices - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (1), 12
Chapman and Compton: (2003) From Traditional Behavioral Couple Therapy to Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy: New Research Directions The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (1), 17
August, Realmuto: (2003) Mathy, & Lee, The “Early Risers” FLEX Program: A Family-Centered Preventive Intervention for Children At-Risk for Violence and Antisocial Behavior - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (1), 26
Holmes, Dykstra: (2003) Williamns, Diwan, & River, Functional Analytic Rehabilitation: A Contextual Behavioral Approach to Chronic Distress - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (1), 34
Apsche & Ward: (2003) Mode Deactivation: A Functionally Based Treatment, Theoretical Constructs - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (1), 47
Houmanfar, Herbst, & Chase: (2003) Organizational Change Applications in Behavior Analysis: A Review of the Literature and Future Directions - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (1), 59
Huppert & Roth: (2003) Treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with Exposure and Response Prevention - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (1), 66
Webb: (2003) Building Constructive Prison Environments: The Functional Utility of Applying Behavior Analysis in Prisons.- The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (1), 71
Baum: (2003) The Molar View of Behavior and Its Usefulness in Behavior Analysis - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (1), 78
Eversole: (2003) The CBA Learning Module Series, Instructional Design, and Future Directions - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (1), 82
Beckstead, Hatch, Lambert, Eggett, Goates & Venneersch: Clinical Significance of the Outcome Questionnaire (OQ 45.2) - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (1), 86
Leslie & Ulster: (2003) A History of Reinforcement: The Role of Reinforcement Schedules In Behavior Pharmacology - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (1), 98
Fantino, Stolarz-Fantino, & Anton Navarro: (2003): Logical Fallacies: A Behavioral Approach to Reasoning - The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (1), 109
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 3, No. 4, January, 2003
Osnes & Lieblein: (2003) An Explicit Technology of Generalization- The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (4), 364
Ware, Fortson & McNeil: (2003) Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: A Promising Intervention for Abusive Families- The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (4), 375
Greenwood, Ward & Luze: (2003) The Early Communication Indicator (ECI) for Infants and Toddlers: What It Is, Where It’s Been, and Where It Needs to Go - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (4), 383
Van Camp, Borrero & Vollmer: (2003) The Family Safety/Applied Behavior Analysis Initiative: An Introduction and Overview - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (4), 389
Wacker: (2003) Bridge Studies in Behavior Analysis: Evolution and Challenges in JABA - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (4), 405
Cordova: (2003) Behavior Analysis and the Scientific Study of Couples - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (4), 412
Blackledge: (2003) An Introduction to Relational Frame Theory: Basics and Applications - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (4), 421
Kormann & Petronko: (2003) Crisis and Revolution in Developmental Disabilities: The Dilemma of Community Based Services - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (4), 434
Ribes-Iñesta & Quintana: (2003) Mother-Child Linguistic Interactions and Behavioral Development: A Multi-dimensional Observational - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (4), 443
Apsche, Ward & Evile: (2003) Mode Deactivation: A Functionally Based Treatment, Theoretical Constructs - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (4), 457
Apsche & Ward: (2003) Mode Deactivation Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Description of Treatment Results For Adolescents with Personality Beliefs, Sexual Offending and Aggressive Behaviors - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (4), 462
Olson: (2003) Organizational Culture Putting the Organizational Culture Concept to Work - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (4), 473
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 3, No. 3, October, 2002
Greenway & Wulfert (2002) The Current Status and Future Direction of Clinical Behavior Analysis: Introduction to the Special Section - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (3), 246
Kohlenberg, Boiling, Kanter & Parker (2002) Clinical Behavior Analysis: Where It Went Wrong, How It Was Made Good Again, and Why Its Future is So Bright.-The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (3), 248
Wulfert (2002) Can Contextual Therapies Save Clinical Behavior Analysis? -The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (3), 254
Gifford (2002) Socrates and the Dodo Bird: Clinical Behavior Analysis and Psychotherapy Research -The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (3), 259
Williams (2002) Constructing a Behavior Analytical Helping Process -The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (3), 262
Augustson (2002) An Overview of Some Current Challenges within the Field of Clinical Behavior Analysis -The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (3), 265
Skinner, Neddenriep, Bradley-Klug & Ziemann (2002) Advances in Curriculum-Based Measurement: Alternative Rate Measures for Assessing Reading Skills in Pre- and Advanced Readers -The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (3), 270
Butler, Weaver, Doggett & Watson (2002) Countering Teacher Resistance in Behavioral Consultation: Recommendations for the School-Based Consultant -The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (3), 282
LeBlanc, Hagoplan, Maglieri & Poling (2002) Decreasing the Intensity of Reinforcement-Based Interventions for Reducing Behavior: Conceptual Issues and a Proposed Model for Clinical Practice - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3
(3), 289
Hyten (2002) On the Identity Crisis in OBM -The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (3), 301
Gilbreath & Harris (2002) Performance-Based Pay in the Workplace: Magic Potion or Malevolent Poison? -The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (3), 311
Bryington, Palmer & Watson (2002) The Estimation of Interobserver Agreement in Behavioral Assessment -The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (3), 323
Collins (2002) Using Peers to Facilitate Learning by Students with Moderate Disabilities -The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (3), 329
Keenen & Kerr (2002) Human time-based schedule performance: Exploring interactions between instructions and response-reinforcer contiguity -The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (3), 342
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 3, No. 2, July, 2002
Greer, Keohane, Healy (2002) Quality and Comprehensive Applications of Behavior Analysis to Schooling - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (2), 120
Patterson (2002) Etiology and Treatment of Child and Adolescent Antisocial Behavior - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (2), 133
Roche, & Barnes-Holmes (2002) Human Sexual Arousal: A Modem Behavioral Approach - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (2), 145
Norton (2002) Explaining Landscape Change: Group Identity and Behavior - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (2), 155
Gansle, Noell, & Freeland (2002) Can?t Jane Read or Won?t Jane Read? An Analysis of Pre-reading Skills Designed to Differentiate Skill Deficits from Performance Deficits - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (2), 161
Kemp, & Eckerman (2002) Simulating a Shaping Task - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (2), 167
Moran, & Hirschbine (2002) Constructing Single-Subject Reversal Design Graphs Using Microsoft ExceV?~: A Comprehensive Tutorial - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (2), 180
VanDerHeyden, Snyder, DiCarlo, Stricklin, & Vagianos (2002) Comparison of Within-Stimulus and Extra-Stimulus Prompts to Increase Targeted of Within-Stimulus and Extra-Stimulus Prompts to Increase Targeted Play Behaviors in an Inclusive Early Intervention Program - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (2), 189
Wilczynski, Thompson, Beatty, & Sterling-Turner (2002) The Role of Behavior Analysis in School Psychology - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (2), 199
Giardino, & Schmaling (2002) Behavioral Factors in Asthma - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (2), 204
Marchand-Martella, & Martella (2002) An Overview and Research Summary of Peer-Delivered Corrective Reading - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (2), 214
Pierce, & Cameron (2002) A Summary of the Effects of Reward Contingencies on Interest and Performance - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (2), 222
Cautilli, Hancock, Thomas, & TilIman (2002) Behavior Therapy and Autism: Issues in Diagnosis and Treatment - The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (2), 230
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 3, No. 1, April, 2002
Rosenwasser. Beth, Cautilli, Joseph D. (2001) The Behavior Analyst Today: Achieving its Mission but Still a Long Way to Go! The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (1), 4
Abernathy, William B. (2001) Focused vs. Consolidated Measures In Performance Pay Systems. The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (1), 7
Skinner, Leslie M., Cautilli, Joseph D., & Hantula Donald A. (2001) A Verbal Analysis of Nonstandard English. The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (1), 12
Messick, Eric M. (2001) Studying, Researching, and Applying Behavior Analysis in New Zealand. The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (1), 24
Cautilli, Joseph D. & Hantula Donald A. (2001) Interlocking Patterns of Conditional Probability: The Reinforcement Matrix. The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (1), 30
Normand, Matthew (2001) Verbal Behavior: History and Future. The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (1), 41
Tobin Tary J., Lewis-Palmer, Teri, & Sugai George (2001) School-Wide And Individualized Effective Behavior Support: An Explanation And An Example. The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (1), 51
Roman, Horacio R., & Boyce, Thomas E. (2001) Institutionalizing Behavior-Based Safety: Theories, Concepts, And Practical Suggestions. The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (1), 76
Roberts, Maura (2001) Research in Practice: Practical Approaches to Conducting Functional Analyses that all Educators Can Use. The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (1), 83
Honeywell-Johnson, Judith A., McGee, Heather M., Culig, Kathryn M., & Dickinson, Alyce M. (2001) Different Effects of Individual and Small Group Monetary Incentives On High Performance. The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (1), 88
Tryon, Warren W. (2001) Expanding the Explanatory Base of Behavior Analysis via Modem Connectionism Electionism As A Common Explanatory Core. The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (1), 104
Brandsma, Lynn L., & Herbert, James D. (2001) Applied Behavior Analysis for Childhood Autism: Does the Emperor Have Clothes? The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (1), 45
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 2, No. 1, January, 2001
Cautilli, J. D. & Rosenwasser, B.J. (2001) The Editors speak out on intellectual bigotry: Why We Need To Become A Profession. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (1), 2
Hunter, R.D. (2001) Improving Outcomes Requires More, Not Less, From Psychology. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (1), 4
Dowd, E.T. (2001) Board Certification (Diplomate) in Behavioral Psychology The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (1), l 5
Luiselli, J.K. , Putnam, R.F. & Handler, M.W. (2001) Improving Discipline Practices In Public Schools: Description of a Whole-School and District-Wide Model Of Behavior Analysis Consultation The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (1), 18
Progar, P.R., Perrin, F.A., DiNovi, B.J., & Bruce, S.S. (2001) Treatment Integrity: Some Persistent Concerns and Some New Perspectives. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (1), 28
Barthold, C.H., & Egel, A.L. (2001) Stimulus Overselectivity and Generative Language Instruction for Students With Autism: An Issue that Needs to Be Revisited. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (1), 33
Fiorello, C.A. (2001) Inclusion: Information for School Administrators. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (1), 40
Miga, R. (2001) DTT-NET: What is it and bow did it get started? The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (1), 43
Adkins-Ruff, T, Cautilli, J.D., Clarke, K., & Thomas, C.A. (2001) Over the Counter Service vs. Training and Treatment Efficacy: What will Behavioral Health Rehabilitation (Wrap-Around) Programs Strive to be? The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (1), 45
Clarke, K. & Cautilli, J.D. (2001) What Behavioral Consultants and Parents Need to Know: Training Paraprofessionals to work in Home-Based Programs. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (1), 55
Thomas, C.A. (2001) Issues For The Consulting Behavior Analyst: Don't Just Implement a Treatment Plan, Use the Ecology to Practice a Treatment Plan. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (1), 58
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 2, No. 2, April, 2001
Rosenwasser, B. & Cautilli, J. (2001) Mission Impossible. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (2), 59
Hayes, S. C. (2001) The Greatest Dangers Facing Behavior Analysis Today. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (2),61
Geller, E- S. (2001) Behavioral Safety: Meeting the Challenge of Making a Large-Scale Difference. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (2), 64
Petry,N.M. (2001) Contingent reinforcement for compliance with goal-related activities in HIV-positive substance abusers. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (2), 78
Blume, A. W. (2001) Negative Reinforcement and Substance Abuse: Using a Behavioral Conceptualization to Enhance Treatment. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (2), 86
Shaffer, A Kotchick, B. A. Dorsey, St & Forehand R. (2001) The Past Present. and Future of Behavioral Parent Training: Interventions for Child and Adolescent Problem Behavior. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (2), 91
McNeil, C. B., Filcheck, H. A., Greco, L. A., Ware, L. M. & Bernard, R. S. (2001) Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: Can a Manualized Treatment Be Functional? The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (2), 106
Richman, D. M & Wacker, D. P. (2001) The Role of Ineffective Directives in the Development of Early Childhood “Noncompliance.” The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (2), 115
Bondy, A. (2001) PECS: Potential Benefits And Risks. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (2), 127
Anderson, D. A., Shapiro, J. R., & Lundgren J. D. (2001) The Behavioral Treatment of Obesity. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (2), 133
Abramowitz, J. S. & Kalsy. S. A. (2001) Recent Developments in the Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (2), 141
Rosenwasser, B. (2001) Report from the 1st Annual Pennsylvania Association for Behavior Analysis Conference. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (2), 148
Weinberg, M., Cautilli, J., & Clarke, K. (2001) Successful Management of EPSDT funded Community-Based Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services for Children (Wrap Around): What ORM has to Offer. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (2), 150
Cautilli, J. & Rosenwasser, B. (2001) Revamping Therapeutic Staff Support Practices. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (2), 155
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 2, No. 3, September, 2001
Cautilli, J. D. & Rosenwasser, B. (2001) Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: Looking back at A Year of Growth and Forward to our New Century. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (3), 162
Leigland, S. (2001) Toward a Science of Verbal Behavior: Progress and Challenges. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (3), 166
Strand, P.S. (2001) Momentum, Matching, and Meaning: Toward a Fuller Exploitation of Operant Principles. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (3), 170
Fisher, W. W. (2001) Functional Analysis of Precurrent Contingencies Between Mands and Destructive Behavior. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (3), 176
Weiss, M.J. (2001) Expanding ABA Intervention in Intensive Programs for Children with Autism: The Inclusion of Natural Environment Training and Fluency Based Instruction. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (3), 182
Lund, S.K. Content and Contingencies: Considerations Regarding Curriculum Development for Young Children with Autism. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (3), 187
Bronson, D. E. & Thyer, B. A. (2001) Behavioral Social Work: Where Has It Been and Where Is It Going? The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (3), 192
Moran, D.J. & Tai, W. (2001) Reducing Biases in Clinical Judgment with Single Subject Treatment Design. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (3), 196
Crone-Todd, D. F. & Pear, J.J. (2001) Application of Bloom?s Taxonomy to PSI. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (3), 204
Cautilli, J. D. & Hantula, D. A. (2001) Defining The Verbal Specialist: An Adaptive- Evolutionary View of Deception and Counter-Control. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (3), 211
Commons, M. L. & Miller, P. M. (2001) A Qumsitasive Behavioral Model of Developmental Stage Based upon the Model of Hierarchical Complexity. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (3), 222
Marsh, W., Weinberg, M., & Houvouras, A. (2001) Methodologleal and Terminological Considerations of Functional Assessment: Towards a Molecular Analysis of Function. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (3), 241
Cautilli, J. D. Skinner L. (2001) Toward a Functional Analysis of “Scientific” Verbal Behavior: A Preliminary Essay. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (3), 250
Adkins, T. & Axelrod, S. (2001) Topography vs. Selection-Based Responding: Comparison of Mand Acquisitions in Each Modality. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (3), 259
Cautilli, J. D., Riley-Tillman, T. C. & Thomas, C. A. (2001) The Consulting Behavior Analyst: Reviewing Treatment Plans 267 Commons, M. L. A Short History of the Society for Quantitative Analyses of Behavior. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (3), 275
Koenig, M. Book Review, Rolider, A., & Axelrod, S. (2001) How to teach self- control through trigger analysis Austin, Texas: Pro-Ed. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (3), 280
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 2, No. 4, November, 2001
Norton, William (2001) Initiating an Affair Human Geography and Behavior Analysis. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (4), 283
Fraley, Lawrence E. (2001) Strategic Interdisciplinary Relations Between A Natural Science Community And A Psychology Community Part 1: The Development Of The Contrasting Paradigms. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (4), 290
Fraley, Lawrence F. (2001) Strategic Interdisciplinary Relations Between A Natural Science Community And A Psychology Community Part 2: Change vs. Circumvention. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (4), 306
Phelps, Brady J. (2001) Personality, Personality “Theory” and Dissociative Identity Disorder: What Behavior Analysis Can Contribute and Clarify. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (4), 325
Neef, Nancy A. (2001) The Past and Future of Behavior Analysis in Developmental Disabilities: When Good News is Bad and Bad News is Good. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (4), 336
McSweeney, Frances K., Murphy, Eric S. & Kowal, Benjamin P. (2001) Dynamic Changes in Reinforcer Value: Some Misconceptions and Why You Should Care. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (4), 341
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 1, No. 4, November, 2000
Cautilli, J. D. & Rosenwasser, B. (2000) Science Odyssey: A Note from the Editors. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(4), 51.
Alber, S. R. & Heward, W. L. (2000) "Check This Out!" Teaching Students with Disabilities to Recruit Contingent Attention in the Classroom. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(3), 53-57.
Catania, A. C., DeLeon, I. G. & Cataldo, M. F. (2000) A Master's Program in Applied Behavior Analysis: Contingencies for Initiation and Maintenance. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(4), 58-63.
Flora, S. R. (2000) Praise's Magic Ratio: Five to One Gets the Job Done. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(4), 64-69.
Bouse, D. (2000) Bring 'em Back…Alive? The BBC's Walking with Dinosaurs brings extinct species back to life-or something like it. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(4), 64-72.
Thomas, C. A. & Cautilli, J. D. (2000) Analyzing and Management of Three levels of Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services (Wrap Around) for children: Building Order out of Chaos. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(4), 76-81.
Moran, D. J. (2000) Notes from ABA's Clinical SIG. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(4), 82.
Bunmi, O. O. (2000) Semantic Relaxation Intervention (SRI) and the Systematic Attenuation of Insomniac Symptoms: A Psychological Behaviorism Approach. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(4), 83-88.
Cole, M. L. & Bonem, M. K. (2000) Using Behavioral Strategies to Help Undergraduates Stop Smoking. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(4), 89-101.
Thomas, C. A. (2000) Issues for the Consulting Behavior Analyst: EO's, SD's, and Promoting Business Versus Promoting the Science of Behavior Analysis. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(4), 102-105.
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 1, No. 3, October, 2000
Cautilli, J. D. & Rosenwasser, B. (2000) From the Editors. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(3),3-4
Stemmer, N. (2000) Letters to the Editor. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(3),5.
Jacobson, J. W. (2000) Converting to a Behavior Analysis Format for Autism Services: Decision-Making for Educational Administrators, Principals, and Consultants. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(3),6-16.
Hawkins, R. P. (2000) On Herding Sheep and Climbing Sand Dunes: We Gotta Keep Saying It (But Listening Too). The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(3),17-20.
Lundervold, D. A. & Poppen, R. (2000) Essential Tremor: The Role of Biobehavioral Conditioning. the Behavior Analyst Today, 1(3), 21-25.
Shreck, K. A., Metz, B., Mulick, J.A. & Smith, A. (2000) Making it fit: A Provactive Look at Models of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention for Children with Autism. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(3), 27-32.
Long, E. S. & Bahl, A.B. (2000) Current Issues Regarding School-Based Functional Assessment. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(3), 33-36.
Cautilli, J. D., & Santilli-Connor, L. (2000) Assisting the Client/Consultee to Do What is Needed: A Functional Analysis of Resistance and other Forms of Avoidance. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(3), 37-42.
Rosenwasser, B. (2000) Pennsylvania Association for Behavior Analysis (Penn ABA) May 28, 2000 Business Meeting Report Held at Association for Behavior Analysis 26th Annual Convention. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(3), 43.
Procaccino, A. (2000) The Process of Clinical Behavior Analysis: From the General to the Specific. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(3), 44-46.
Thomas, C. A. (2000) Issues for the Consulting Behavior Analyst: The Portable Life. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(3), 47-49.
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 1, No. 2, June, 2000
Rosenwasser, B. J. (2000) Editorial Autoclitics. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(2), 2.
Shook, J. (2000) Up-to-date Information: Behavior Analyst Certification. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(2), 2.
Block, J.A. & Wulfert, E. (2000) Acceptance or Change: Treating Socially Anxious College Students with ACT or CBGT. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(2), 3-10.
Lutzker, J.R. (2000) Behavioral Psychology Graduate Program at the UJ. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(2), 11.
Sloand-Armstrong, J., Dell, L. & Milchick, S.L. (2000) Functional Behavioral Assessment in Pennsylvania's Public Schools. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(2), 12-19.
Cautilli, J.D. (2000) An OBM Strategy for Accomplishing the Mission and Growing a Sustainable Pennsylvania Association for Behavior Analysis. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(2), 20-21.
Lutzker, J. R. (2000) Biography. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(2),22.
Stemmer, N. (2000) The Role of Action Names, Action Frames, and Modifiers in Listener. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(2), 23-28.
Auguston, E. (2000) From the Chair of the Clinical SIG. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(2),29.
Tillman, T.C. (2000) Generalization Programming and Behavioral Consultation. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(2), 30-34.
Hancock, M. A., Cautilli, J. D., Rosenwasser, B. J. & Clark, K. (2000) Four Tactics for Improving Behavior Analytic Services. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(2), 35-38.
Weinberg, M., Parenti, K. & Powell, S. (2000) Relationship Building as Best Practices Approach in Treatment Planning. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(2), 39-40.
LaBrier, S. H. (2000) Touch Purple. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(2), 41.
Cautilli, J.D. & Rosenwasser B. (2000) Best Practices of Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services (Wrap Around) in Pennsylvania: Six Basic Problems and Their Solutions. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(2), 42-56.
The Behavior Analyst TodayTM Volume 1, No. 1, December, 1999
Cautilli, J.D. (2000) Hi there! A Message From the Founder and Co-Editor. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(1), 1-3.
Lutzker, J. R. (2000) A Letter From John Lutzker, Ph.D. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(1), 3.
Auguston, E. (2000) The Curse of Exciting Times: Challenges Within the Field of Clinical Behavior Analysis. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(1), 4-5&17.
Cautilli, J.D. & Clarke, K. (2000) What Does Organizational Behavior Management Have to Offer Social Service Organizations? An OBM Primer for ABA'ers. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(1), 5-13.
Auguston, E. (2000) Issues of Acceptance in Chronic Pain Populations. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(1), 14-17.
Warmkomski F. (2000) Applied Behavior Analysis Credential Program in Pennsylvania and Beyond. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1(1), 18- 20.