The Behavior Analyst TodayTM
A Context for Science with a Commitment for Behavior Change
ISSN: 1539-4352
Publisher's Statement
Last Updated: May 17, 2004
The Behavior Analyst Today (BAT) is published by Joseph Cautilli. BAT is an online, electronic publication of general circulation to the scientific community. The Behavior Analyst Today is committed to increasing the communication between the sub disciplines within behavior analysis, such as behavioral assessment, work with various populations, basic and applied research. Through achieving this goal, we hope to see less fractionation and greater cohesion within the field. The Behavior Analyst Today strives to be a high quality journal, which also brings up to the minute information on current developments within the field to those who can benefit from those developments.
Founded as a newsletter for master level practitioners in Pennsylvania, those represented in the clinical Behavior Analysis Special Interest Group at ABA, and those who comprised the BA SIG at the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, BAT has evolved to being a primary form of communication between researchers and practitioners, as well as a primary form of communication for those outside behavior analysis.
Thus, The Behavior Analyst Today will continue to publish original research, reviews of sub disciplines, theoretical and conceptual work, applied research, program descriptions, research in organizations and the community, clinical work, and curriculum developments. In short, we strive to publish all which is behavior analytic.
BAT is an independent publication and is in no way affiliated with any other publications. The materials, articles, and information provided on this website have been prepared by the staff of the Behavior Analyst Today for informational purposes only. The information contained in this web site is not intended to create any kind of patient-therapist relationship or representation whatsoever.
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