Martha Pelaez, Ph.D.
Dr. Martha Pelaez’s program of research has contributed to the areas of mother-infant interactions, maternal depression, and early social learning processes, and has as well-designed applied interventions with infants at-risk for language delays and other developmental problems.
Dr. Peláez’s theoretical contributions include the creation of a taxonomy of rule-governed behavior, empirically validated in children, as well as her recent program of research on derived relational responding and intelligence. She has conducted basic experimental research on the transfer of learning processes and instructional control.
Dr. Peláez has published numerous articles in refereed journals (including the American Psychologist and the journal Child Development); and has co-authored many chapters and 1 textbook on the behavior-analytic approach to child development (with G. Novak). She was the past Program Chair for the American Psychological Association Division 25, and past Program Co-Chair for the Association for Behavior Analysis. She is the founding editor (1990) of the Behavior Development Bulletin, and serves on nine editorial boards of refereed journals, including The Behavior Analyst.
In 1997, she was the recipient of the Faculty Research Award at Florida International University, and served on the Honorary Degree & Awards Committee. In 2001, she received the National Research Award from the National Council for Teaching and Research in Psychology, in recognition of excellence in research and teaching.
Dr. Peláez was awarded Fellowship status by the American Psychological Association (APA). She is also a trustee of the Cambridge Center for Behavior studies, and has served as a member of the Board of Governors of the University System of the State of Florida.