Mark R. Dixon, Ph.D., BCBA
Professor and Coordinator,
Behavior Analysis and Therapy Program
Director, SIUC Gambling Intervention Program
Rehabilitation Institute
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL 62901
Dr. Mark R. Dixon is a Full Professor in the Behavior Analysis and Therapy Program at the Rehabilitation Institute, Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Dr. Dixon received his Ph.D. (1998) and M.A. (1996) in Psychology from the University of Nevada and his B.A. (1993) in Psychology and Philosophy from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. His current teaching and research interests include behavioral medicine, behavioral management, and complex human operant behavior. He has authored over 60 journal articles, 6 book chapters, 3 books, and 200 papers and presentations in a variety of areas including choice and self-control, verbal behavior, gambling, organizational effectiveness, brain injury, computer programming, and developmental disabilities. Dr. Dixon currently serves as the president of the Behaviorists Interested in Gambling Special Interest Group for the Association for Behavior Analysis, SlU's representative on the Council of Directors for Graduate Training Programs in Behavior Analysis, Associate Editor for JABA, Associate Editor for JOBM, and an Editorial Board Member for The Behavior Analyst. Dr. Dixon received the Teacher of the Year award (Rehabilitation Institute) in 2001 and SIU College Researcher of the Year in 2005.