Dave Kingsley, PhD.
Department of Health Policy & Management University of Kansas Medical Center Mail Stop 3044 3901 Rainbow Boulevard Kansas City, KS 66160
Tele: (913) 588 3763
Ph.D., Kansas State University, Public Policy
Dissertation: Racial Attitudes in Liberty, Missouri: Impact on a Voluntary Busing Program in the Kansas City, Missouri School District Desegregation Plan
M.S., California State University, LA , Public Administration
A.B., San Diego State University , Philosophy
Post Doctoral, MESA Psychometrics Lab, Psychometrics, University of Chicago, (Mental Measurements)
Political Science Honor Society, California State University, Los Angeles
Board of Directors, Brown Foundation (Foundation of Linda Brown & Family of the Brown vs. Board of Education U.S. Supreme Court Case) – 1990 – 1996
Appointed Member of Statewide Advisory Committee on Gifted Education (Kansas) - 1996
Appointed Member of Kansas State Board of Education Math Standards Committee – 1999
Past Member of Connecting Services & Research Group – A group of Program Managers and Researchers that assists SRS Addiction & Prevention Services with implementing the SAMSHA/CSAT National Treatment Plan Initiative. (1999 –2003)
Board Member, National Association of Student Assistance Programs
Policy Planning & Evaluation (Public Administration)
Introduction to Public Administration
Public Personnel Administration
Welfare As An Institution (Public Policy Course in the Social Work Department)
Multicultural Education (College of Education)
Race Relations (College of Education)
Currently: Adjunct Professor of Statistics: Kansas University Medical Center (Department of Health Policy & Management)
Current: Independent Research Consultant
Currently responsible to education, health care, public health, and a wide array of nonprofit organizations for designing and implementing program evaluation and research projects. Responsible for evaluation and research projects for the KCMO Partnership for Children, the National Center for Fathering, C.O.M.B.A.T., Hickman Mills School District, and other organizations.
Recently concluded initial phase of research related to the effectiveness of the Teaching Family Model program for troubled youth. Published initial results in The International Journal of Behavioral Consultation & Therapy. Currently collaborating with staff at the Girls & Boys Town National Research Institute in endeavor to establish post-treatment effects of the Teaching Family Model.
October 2004 to October 2005: Vice President of Research & Analysis, Partnership for Children
Responsible for all research and evaluation activities in Kansas City’s leading children’s research and advocacy organization. Major responsibilities include the Kauffman Teen Survey™, an adolescent health study in which 7,000 to 9,000 teens participate each year. The V.P. of Research & Analysis provides statistical and evaluation support for PFC’s programs involving afterschool, parental involvement, and other large scale children’s programs.
The position includes responsibility for fund and business development related to research and evaluation. In addition to providing advice and support for in-house programs, the V.P. of Research & Analysis creates revenue through marketing of services and grantsmanship.
1997 – 2004
Founder and president of GRI Research, a company dedicated to research.
Selected Major Projects Completed:
State of Kansas, Social & Rehabilitation Services, Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Section: Providing consulting services to statewide substance abuse prevention and treatment agency. Designed and created a data management system for facilitating access of researchers to treatment and prevention data. Developed program for connecting statistical software (SPSSä) to relational database management system. Currently developing data models derived from treatment and prevention data. Applying multivariate statistical techniques to data for the purpose of creating knowledge for informing public policy.
Leading substance abuse workforce study in the state of Kansas. Assisting in the design and field-testing of psychometric instrument for assessing the proficiency of the substance abuse workforce. Item analysis with Rasch Modeling software will be conducted and a report with recommendations for final administration of instrument will be presented.
University of Oklahoma, Communities That Care Survey: Assisting Patty Martin, Project Director with analysis of survey data collected from middle and high school students in several states. This is a continuation of consulting provided to Ms Martin at the Southeast Kansas Education Service Center. Consulting services include data analysis, SPSS statistical software support, and writing for publication.
University of Kansas, School of Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering: Lead researcher on Social Science Component of Federally funded air quality study in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area (SMSA). Designed and implemented research project pertaining to behaviors contributing to auto pollution and effective programs for changing auto-related activities that contribute to air pollution. Geodemographic techniques have been employed to segment the population into ecologically similar areas. Qualitative research techniques include interviews with 150 structured interviews (30 in each of 5 demographically similar subpopulations). Over 2000 subjects will complete questionnaires, the results of which will be maintained in a relational database management system with the permission of subjects. A longitudinal study will be conducted to determine correlates of behavior change.
Kansas Commission for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing: Monitoring interpreter testing in certification process. Applying Rasch Modeling (FACETSä) software to data derived from evaluations/testing for the purpose of establishing rater, item, and applicant reliability and validity. Developed software program for monitoring proficiency of raters and applicants on a statewide basis.
City of Lawrence: Conducting major studies of the city workforce and public perceptions of the city as a place to live, work, and develop business opportunities. Assisting the City Commission and City Management with survey of employee perceptions and development of workforce indicators. Surveying local and national business leaders for the purpose of determining the need for improvements in economic development efforts.
Post 1989 to Present
Conducted college diversity research for the Metropolitan Community College System, Kansas City, MO. Completed large study of college system with 30,000 students and 600 permanent faculty and staff.
Conducted statewide education research in Gifted and Special Education. Consulted with school districts throughout the state. Primary focus of this research was to utilize tests, surveys, and other psychometric tools in the evaluation of educational programs.
Administered and evaluated an Addiction Counselor Training program at Washburn University. Taught Drug Abuse Policy Course at Washburn University.
Assisted 10 Ph.D. candidates with dissertation research design and statistical analyses.
A list of textbook (chapter), and other publications and presentations available on request.
Prior to returning to Kansas State University to complete Ph.D.:
Career in industrial relations:
Industrial Relations Manager – United Nuclear Corporation
(Uranium Mining)
Industrial Relations Manager – Keysor-Century Corporation
(Plastics Manufacturing)
Industrial Relations Staff:
Cyprus Mines Corporation
Ralph M. Parsons Corporation
Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (Los Angeles Chapter)