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Category: Category 1
Date: 24 Apr 2004
Time: 22:02:41 -0500
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Hey all,
As many of you know, I am a member of Pa's CASSP advisory board and sit on a Pa Taskforce on autism. However, another task force is in the process of beign formed and it is looking for members from Pa residents.
Pa-DPW has started a state wide taskforce to redesign the mental health, social service, and educational system with respect to children with serious emotional disturbance (ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, ODD, Schizophrenia, Depression, etc.). This task force wants to acheive 50% parent representation.
Their is much to do in Pennsylvania. This would give you the opportunity to advocate for better access to services,more competent staff with possibly a central training program (a three year staff development plan), more fair greivance and appeal process. The autism taskforce has the following subcommittee's
1. Early Intervention 2. Needs of Children, ages five through 12 3. Needs of Adolescents, ages 13-18 4. Transition to Adulthood, including vocational training and support 5. Needs of Adults 6. Information and Advocacy 7. Research 8. Education/Training 9. Medicaid Waiver 10. Funding Streams 11. Family and Social Issues 12. Rural Issues
At the first meeting we will discuss the subcommitte's for this taskforce. I am hoping that the subcommittes will include:
1. Credentialing (focus on greater use on BCBA's not just in BHRS but in residental treatment programs and patial hosptial programs) 2. mentoring/supervision 3. Behavioral medicine issues (chronic pain, obesity, sleep disturbences, diabetis, head injury etc.) 4. Juvinile Justive and mental health overlap (including treatment for conduct disorders, oppositional defiant disorders, adolescent sex offenders, addictions, abuse and neglect) 5. Defining Medical and service necessity, creating a more fair greivence and appeal process, Client's Rights and responsibilties (focus on the right to effective intervention) 6. Transitioning to adulthood 7. The role of lanuage delays in children with disruptive disorders 8. Early intervention 9. State wide trainings (Maybe a three year curriculum for treating children focused on training staff in evidence based and best practice guidelines. Some BCBA's on the Pa CASSP training institute and Pa. Pathways) 10. Moving from research to practice 11. Funding Streams and helping school utilize ACCESS funds for inovative mental health programs. 12. Family and Social Issues- Making families truely full partners in the process. 13. Rural Issues 14. Cultural competence 15. Least restrictive environments 16. Increasing access to services (including greater use of physician assistants and nurse practioners)
The first meeting will be on May 22 in Harrisburg but most of the work will take place by e-mails and conference calls. The report will be given directly to Estell Richman and the governor.
I think that they are going to have twleve to fifteen subcommittees. I would like to see more behavior analyst's to ensure that BCBA is adopted into residentail, group homes, and BHRS services. In addition, I think that we could make the suggestion for moving to a lic. for behavior analyst.
Also, I was hope to get the client's rights policy to be worded close to the Right to Effective Behavioral Intervention statement.
If any Behavior Analysts in Pa. who are in this state please forward them this message.
DPW will be hosting a kick-off meeting later this spring (May 22), bringing together anyone who has interest in being a part of the Children's Behavioral Health Taskforce. Additional information on the Taskforce and application forms can be found online at
Joe Cautilli
Category: Category 1
Date: 06 Feb 2004
Time: 18:45:34 -0600
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